Members Welcome

Head of Community at LinksDAO Cooper Sherwin Discusses Web3 with Tobe Agency’s Andrew Hong

Episode Summary

In this episode, Andrew and Cooper discuss Web3, drawing from Cooper’s experience as a business developer who specializes in NFT strategy, crypto culture, and discord design. The conversation focuses specifically on community building, with Cooper providing a detailed overview of its benefits, along with three things marketers should know before starting an online community. To learn more about a specific topic, jump ahead via the following timestamps: - [06:07] The evolution of Web3 marketing - [10:19] Transitioning from Web2 to Web3 as a service provider - [14:58] Best practices for starting an online community - [16:15] How do you spark engagement in your community? - [24:13] The power of Web3 communities - [29:00] Content’s role in community building - [32:06] Knowing the why, how, and when before starting a community

Episode Notes

“You have to have something that differentiates you from the rest of the noise in the space.”

In this episode of Members Welcome, a Tobe Agency podcast series all about the benefits of nurturing online communities, Andrew Hong sits down with business developer and Head of Community Cooper Sherwin.

Cooper has led multiple projects to Opensea's #1 trending position, most notably Rowhomes and LinksDAO. Having been active within the Web3 space since its inception, Cooper shares his industry knowledge and experience to help frame best practices surrounding online community building. Cooper sees Web3 social media as a way creators can better reach their audience, and likens it to having a lot more control over the constant pendulum swing of the kind of hyper monetization and algorithmic exploitation that we’ve seen from the behemoth companies that currently control market share.

Remember, if you give members access to a network of great content, events, people, networking, and advice, they’ll recognize how valuable your network is and will continue to come back over and over again. To learn more about building your online community, contact the team at Tobe Agency.


- Official Website - ABoltC

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- Connect with Andrew Hong on Twitter