Members Welcome

Communities and AI, Transitioning from Social to Communities

Episode Summary

In this episode of the Members Welcome podcast, Andrew, Jen, and Emily delve into their firsthand experiences with implementing AI in their workflows and explore the implications of AI and Machine Learning for community building and management. While AI tools have undeniably taken over time-consuming tasks in our daily routines, effectively boosting efficiency, it is crucial to be mindful of their limitations. Exercising caution and discretion when utilizing AI tools becomes essential to foster an authentic community space. To learn more about a specific topic, jump ahead via the following timestamps: [09:40] Artificial Intelligence in Content and Marketing [18:40] The 4-Day Workweek [21:32] Experimenting With AI Tools [26:34] The Rise of Niche and Online Communities [32:11] AI, Machine Learning, and Algorithms

Episode Notes

Make sure to subscribe to get more insights on what is new in the world of community in the Web2 and Web3 ecosystems and how organizations can leverage communities to build a sense of belonging around their brand, leading to increased sales and customer retention for membership and subscription services.

To learn more about building your online community, contact the team at Tobe Agency.

Main Idea #1: AI

Main Idea #2: 

Topics Covered and Questions You’ll Uncover During this Episode:


Connect with Our Hosts

Andrew Hong LinkedIn | Twitter

Jen Hsiung LinkedIn | Twitter

Emily Chin LinkedIn | Twitter